
14109 Cearfoss Pike
Hagerstown, MD 21740


Acid Neutralizer Water Treatment

Elevated Water Filtration – Water Neutalizer

Acid neutralizers remove the acidity from your water by raising the water’s pH to a more neutral level. High acidity levels in your water may cause corrosion in your home’s plumbing, dryness in your hair and skin, and can be leaching metals into your water. Over time the acidity in your water can lead to costly repairs of your plumbing fixtures and appliances.

How do you Neutralize Acidic Water?

Acidic conditions are common with well water in Maryland, West Virginia and Pennsylvania and can be treated with an acid neutralizing filter. When the acidic waters contact the media, they slowly dissolve the calcite and manganese to raise the pH. This process reduces the potential leaching of copper, lead and other metals found in home plumbing systems. Acid neutralizer system benefits include:

  • pH Correction to reduce bitter tastes in water.
  • Preserves plumbing to prevent future leaks in pipes or corrosion in fixtures
  • Reduces staining and stops blue/green staining deposits.
  • Ease of Operation

Water Neutralizer Features

If your home has acidic water, you will benefit from a pH neutralizer. S & L Water Solutions provide acid neutralizing systems that are safe and effective in neutralizing your water. Product features include:

  • Patent valve – built-in bypass to preserve the media for times your don’t need treated water, like watering the lawn.
  • Digital controller – provides quick, simple setting adjustments.
  • Effective Media – a blend of calcite and corosex media dissolves to neutralize water as it passes through the system.
  • Gravel Bedding – provides consistent and efficient water flow throughout the tank.

S & L WaterSolutions offers Maryland, West Virginia and Pennsylvania with unparalleled water treatment services and plumbing solutions. Contact us to learn more about our water treatment solutions and the right one for your home. Call (240) 313-9190 to set up an appointment today!